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In Italy, the gelato industry recognizes individuals who are Gelato pioneers and leaders around the world. In 2011, Carpigiani the world leader in the gelato industry decided to recognize James beyond what was the traditions of Italy. They knew that the industry needed Gelato Masters who excelled in their thinking and needed people to find ways to carry on the art and gift Italy gave to the world in Gelato. Carpigiani gave James the ultimate recognition by awarding him "Gelato Pioneer - The Father". The press release announcing this award is below.


They chose James to be 'The Father of Italy's Gelato Pioneers' a designation and award never bestowed on any gelato maker world wide. James was the first non-Italian ever to be designated as a Gelato Pioneer, but the honour of this award went beyond just make gelato or following recipes. To James, he immediately took it up himself to see his role, not just to innovate or help the gelato world, but to encourage and help others.


This prestigious award and designation as 'The Father of Italy's Gelato Pioneers' would help shape James' view of not just his own gelato but that he was now to help pass on that passion and encourage others to build the legacy of Italian ice Cream - gelato.


Through the years James has taken upon himself to help others, to teach them, to share with them, to be there and encourage others to enter the gelato industry, to take risks and to find their passion. Listed below are just some of the people who James has helped, worked with and is proud to have had them as part of his extended gelato family.


Helping other people find their dream, learning from others, giving them practical experience and confidence to open their own gelato shop is important to James. He believes that a true Master does not hold on tight to their secrets but passes them on to others.


It is through the collective effort that we share gelato to the world, it is not ours to keep but to spend time with while we can. Gelato is more then a single Gelato Master, it is Italy's gift to the world.


Gelato shops, groups and individuals Maestro James has helped and been a part of their gelato journey.


(click below for more info)




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